
Case Status Kiln
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Status description
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Last modified on 11/28/2013 12:37 PM by User.


Status description

This page contains the description of the most common statuses used for issues/cases on this issue tracker. Note that each description has an html anchor assigned so that you can directly refer to it with a link.

Work Needed Statuses

The Work Needed status describes unfinished cases. This is the default status for new cases.

Work Needed (Conclusion)

This status is set after there was some discussion about how to resolve the issue, but no definitive conclusion was reached. Cases that stay for too long in this status will be considered obsolete.

Set by: anyone
Next steps: decision


Work Needed (Not Reproducible)

The reported case is not precise enough or can not be reproduced. Try submitting a test case that exposes the problem. Cases that stay for too long in this status will be considered obsolete.

Set by: integrator
Next steps: more precise problem statement


Work Needed (Failing Test)

The attached source code unintentionally introduces failing tests. Submitting failing tests should be reserved for bug report cases. Usually this status is set after a case was mistakenly set to the Resolved (Fix To Include) or Resolved (Fix Review Needed) status.

Set by: integrator or automatic case tester
Next steps: fix submitted code and set case status to Resolved (Fix Review Needed)


Work Needed (No Sources)

No code for a solution was provided. Usually this happens after a case was mistakenly set to the Resolved (Fix To Include) or Resolved (Fix Review Needed) status, and the integrator or the automatic case tester did not find any attached source code. Sometimes a tricky bug fix requires manual interaction from the integrator without a proper SLICE, only in this case use a noMonkey tag to avoid automatic validation.

Set by: integrator or automatic case tester
Next steps: submit fix and set case status to Resolved (Fix Review Needed)


Work Needed (Code Style Violation)

The provided solution does not adhere to the coding standards of Pharo. Usually this status is set by the automatic issue checker which provides a detailed report on which coding rules were violated.

Set by: integrator or automatic case tester
Next steps: improve the fix by addressing the code style violations and set case status to Resolved (Fix Review Needed)


Work Needed (Merge Conflict)

The provided solution cannot be merged cleanly in the current Pharo version and requires further attention. Usually this status is set by the automatic issue checker. Unless explicitly involved in the fix the integrator cannot easily resolve the conflicts due to possible side-effects.

Set by: integrator or automatic case tester
Next steps: manually resolve the merge conflicts and submit a new fix and set case status to Resolved (Fix Review Needed)


Work Needed (On Hold)

Progress on this case is blocked. Most probably another case needs to be resolved first, and should be added as a sub-case to the one on hold.

Set by: anyone
Next steps: wait for resolution of the other case


Resolved Statuses

Those statuses mean a solution for the case was found.

Resolved (Fix Review Needed)

This is the first status after code or changes have been attached to the case.

Set by: code submitter
Next steps: code review


Resolved (Monkey is checking)

The automatic case tester is currently reviewing the submitted changes. This status is only temporary, and it is preferable to not change the issue in the meantime.

Set by: automatic case tester
Next steps: automatic validation result —either of Resolved (Fix Reviewed by the Monkey™)Work Needed (Failing Test), or Work Needed (No Sources).


Resolved (Fix Reviewed by the Monkey™)

The automatic case tester has validated the submitted sources and found no serious problem. However, the code still needs to be integrated.

Set by: automatic case tester
Next steps: manual code review


Resolved (Fix To Include)

The submitted changes have been manually reviewed and are considered ready for integration.
Set by: integrator
Next steps: code integration


Resolved (Fix Integrated)

The submitted changes have been accepted and integrated into the next release.

Set by: integrator
Next steps: close issue


Invalid Statuses

Those statuses mean that the case is closed integrators won't look at the issue anymore.

Resolved (Duplicate)

The same issue is already documented in another case.

Set by: integrator and issue reporter
Next steps: work on the original case


Resolved (Postponed)

That case would ideally be accepted, but it is either of low importance, or out of reach; we don't have resources to look at it in the near future.

Set by: integrator
Next steps: none


Resolved (Won't Fix)

The reported issue interferes with the design directions of the project.

Set by: integrator
Next steps: none


Resolved (Invalid)

The reported issue is not acceptable for technical reasons.
Set by: integrator
Next steps: none