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How to Contribute
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Last modified on 25/5/2015 13:29 by User.

How to Contribute

License Agreement

First and foremost, you must be aware that the Pharo project only accepts code published under the MIT license. By publishing your code in the Pharo or PharoInbox repositories, you are agreeing to this condition. We do ask people to sign a form to confirm this acceptance, and it can be downloaded from: Licence agreement.
Importantly, we value your fixes and always try to look at them and give feedback. This works best if you create a bug entry in the bug tracker, as without it we may have problem giving you feedback or letting you know that there is another fix.

Basic Instructions

Bug fixes are generally first integrated into to the latest development image, and back ported as resources allow.  All bug fixes and improvements consist of two things:

  1. an opened case on this issue tracker describing the bug or the improvement,
  2. a Slice (a combined set of committed packages) submitted to the Pharo inbox

Before you watch the step by step tutorial video below, make sure you have access rights to

 All the intermediate steps to create and account on both these sites are explained in the video below.

Step by Step video

These steps can be viewed by downloading the attached tutorial (note this was produced for Pharo 3.0, so replace references to 30 with 50, or download the "development version" from here.) There are also some more instructions on the Pharo website.
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